Monday, April 4, 2016

Social Engineering Task #8

Edit : Changed title from #9 to #8
1 My task this week was to follow a stranger for 20 minutes.

2 I normally finish off some work for my other classes right after they end before going home. What I did was follow one of my classmates that happened to be heading to the computer lab as well. I figure he'll be there for more than 20 minutes.

3 I simply followed behind. At the lab, I just took a seat that had visibility of my target. Took 2 pictures while walking to the lab. Took another in the lab as I was walking back from the restroom.

4 Following a stranger for 20 minutes to complete this task was fine since I didn't have any ulterior motives.

5 Stalking someone can give quite a bit of information. (Where they live, what places they like to visit, their daily transit routines, etc.) having someone stalk you can be quite scary as well. Someone's always watching you and you don't know their intentions are.

6 The task was quite simple so I guess I was relieved. Even if he notice's me, he probably wouldn't think much about it.

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