Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Final S.E. Task

*My Final Social Engineering Task will be how many Items, Services you can receive for free just by either never having the Funds, asking the Right Questions or Partial Funds.* 

My task was to see how many different services I could get away with for free. So one of my attempts was getting a free cookie at the local cafeteria in the hospital. It was 15 minutes till closing which was @ 5:30pm. I had ventured down to get a diet coke cause I was going into over time at work still working on procedure with the surgeon. I only brought exact change for the 20 oz soda. But questioned the cashier why was there 4 items on the counter when they where closing in  15minutes. She stated that two cookies,  danish and pack of cracker where what they didn't sell  for the day and are being sold for half the price. So then I was like if I knew they did that I would have brought extra money cause I was going into over time for a patient and wasn't going to be able to venture back down to get a cookie. So the young woman at the register asked me which one I was interested in eating  I can have and take back to work with me.  I thanked her with a oatmeal cookie smile on my face. Once I got back to my department I was only able to break a small piece of victory off cause we did not finish till that night till 8:30pm. My next task I performed was getting on the MBTA without paying. I have to say its a win or lose situation depending on mood the attendant or driver maybe in for the day. This morning I felt confident it would work cause the many time one of my children use to monthly on the weekend and usually forget to return it back to me is about once a week.  On the way out the door my son calls me to ask me to look for his wallet in his room cause it has his T pass in it and the subway driver would not allow him on even though he had a pack back. Which I understand  cause it had nothing to with him paying his fair.  So I figured I would try the bus instead of train  so I took my pass out of wallet and placed it in a divider in my purse. Walked on the bus with wallet in hand and tapped it. Than stated to the driver that I had my pass but it must have moved out of place and yes me having pass was a true statement. The driver closes the door continuing the the next stop, so I rummage through my bag till the next stop then inform the driver I work at the local hospital and have a pass just can't seem to local at this current moment. He looks at me with a smile and says it's okay don't worry about it. This is such a true story for many people who commute in and out of the city on a regular basis. 


  1. You know those people that play instruments or sing in the T stations? One time I gave one guy 2 dollars if he promised to stop playing until my train comes. He was so awful it was worth it. Probably the only money he got all day.
