Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Final Social Engineering Task

I apologize for posting this late, but I was having difficulty receiving a response via email, which i will explain. My social engineering task was to target a fellow player in essentially impersonating them with a fake email, and finding out an email of a friend/relative an emailing them on this fake email. This fake email had to be very close to that of the real email of the player. I targeted Reverend Cyan, as I worked with him on a project and have his full name and email address. I found him on Facebook, which was rather private and contained barely any personal pictures. From these pictures, I found out who had liked them. On one of the liked pictures, I found a bunch of friends, whom I also stalked to find out their emails. This task was very difficult as many people do not post their emails on Facebook. I found this one friend, that I Google searched and found out he had a LinkedIn page, which contained an email! After Googling over 10 friends I finally found a friend with an email! I created a Gmail and emailed his friend. I would post a picture, but I do not want to disclose the friend's email address on this site. It contained an email asking him for a favor of borrowing a fishing rod. This task failed because I sent this email a while ago, and I think Reverend Cyan's friend realized that this email is a fake, so he did not reply :( I was waiting for a reply back but no luck, so I guess this task failed? This task really does relate to this class because there are a lot of people that would fall for these kind of scam emails, which are actually impersonations of a real person that find out email addresses of friends/family and send out emails asking for money and what not. This task made me feel very uncomfortable and stalkerish, especially the fake emailing part because I know that there are people out there that do that to scam and hurt people, and this is something that made me feel very horrible. When these kinds of emails are received, rather than responding or actually sending what is being asked in the fake email, the receiver should contact their friend/family member to ensure that it is actually from them. This kind of stuff happens with scammers that make emails that are really close to the actual automated bank emails, and people fall for this! I will keep this blogpost updated if I do receive an email

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