Monday, April 11, 2016

Social Engineering 10, version 2.0

My task was to go someplace I should not be, and to take pictures.

I am not supposed to be this close to pudding, especially not this close when a spoon is nearby.

Eating this pudding really made me feed bad afterward, because when it was gone, there was no more.

The moral stakes were high, as there was two cherries on top, and that is real whipped creme on there people. I am creeping ever closer to hell with each bite of this goodness.


I did not take biological samples to test in a lab to see if the pudding was real, but I will be revisiting this location as I understand pudding can be had for a fair exchange.

1 comment:

  1. I am a big whipped cream guy. You should see me pile it on at the smoggish board at Putnam's Pantry in Danvers. As soon as I saw your photo I knew that was real whipped cream and not that crap in an aerosol can.
