Monday, April 11, 2016

Ethics Final Project 2

The philosopher I choose is Alan Westin.

Westin would agree with the FCC's proposal to require ISPs to first obtain the customers' permission before using and sharing their data. A prediction that he made is that "Consumer marketing will move inexorably to a permission-based system, in which consumers exercise their choices as to how they are marketed to, in a mixture of opt-in and opt-out procedures based on the sensitivity of the data "

He believes that there are four states of individual privacy. They are solitude, intimacy, anonymity and reserve.

"Such changing personal needs and choices about self-revelation are what make privacy such a complex condition, and a matter of personal choice. The importance of that right to choose, both to the individual's self-development and to the exercise of responsible citizenship, makes the claim to privacy a fundamental part of civil liberty in democratic society "

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