Monday, April 11, 2016

Social Engineering Task 10, Version 3.0

My task was to go someplace I should not be, and to take photographs.

This is the doorway into a "secure" wiring closet, and you can see by the condition of the mangled lock that they could not keep a ferret out of this room.

This door was "locked" when I encountered it, but the door opened without me touching the handle.

This latch has repeatedly been assaulted by people seeking entry, but lacking a key, they turned to brute force, repeatedly.

A reconnaissance of the area  revealed a video surveillance camera position to record entries and exits, so I positioned myself so that I appeared to be talking on the cell phone, while the hand away from the camera, and shielded by my body was used to ease the door forward and confirm the latch was malfunctioning.

I chose not to enter this room as this would be considered a locked room, and most unpleasant things could result if I was found in this room pawning the wires, routers, and infrastructure gear. I could hear a lot of fans blasting at top speed so I know that this room contains network gear, and perhaps servers.

The position of the surveillance camera makes it vulnerable to blockage by floating the balloon in front of it, after which time the room could be pilfered or abused in some way.

I think that this is the room where tech support hides all the coffee and donuts they seize from student.

The Bastards

Vulnerability found, photographs of vulnerability taken, no entry into "off limits" area. Partial success.

1 comment:

  1. Any food or drink that I confiscated from students was not stored in a data closet. I drank or ate it ASAP. I wish Reverend Cyan would have come by with that pudding with whipped cream.
