Monday, April 18, 2016

Final Social Engineering Task Completed

My task was to grab a hold of a device of a person with authority. As I was working my target came in to get some food. He put his tablet on the table to respond to someone on his phone. After I handed him the food he was walking towards the door quickly as he was more than halfway to the door I noticed that he forgot to take his tablet with him when he left. So I grabbed his tablet and chased after him as he was reaching for the handle of his car door he realized that I was yelling that he forgot his tablet. When I reached him and handed back his tablet he said thanks and I went back inside. As I didn't get to take a picture of me holding the tablet since I was in a rush to catch him before he left in his car on the next day that I saw him again I asked him if he could help me out and if I could hold the tablet and take a picture of it. He said sure and I took a picture which turned out to be blurry. He even offered to show me the specs of the tablet but I declined his offer since there were people waiting on me to take their order. In my first attempt it was pure luck that he forgot to bring his tablet with him as he left. In my second attempt I think that my strategy was pretty effective since he didn't see the harm in me taking a picture of the tablet and he was there watching. A moral stake in this would be if I had let him show me the specs of the device like he offered to I would be able to watch and see what password he put in and if he had let it there unattended at a different time I would be able to get access to all that information that was stored on there. Now that I have done this I could have someone give me more information than I'm looking for by asking for help. While doing this task I felt surprised that he offered to show me the specs of the device when I only wanted to take a picture of the outside of the device.

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