Friday, April 8, 2016

Final Ethics project part 2

I would like to discuss a computing case which China blocked Facebook on July 2009. The reason was that Xinjiang independence activists were using Facebook as part of their communications network. This case started from July 2009 Ürümqi riots. On that day Xinjiang Independents activists caused 197 people died and 1721 people got hurt. Therefore Chinese government took that case seriously. In China, Chinese government had right to ban any kind of post from social medias at any time because these social medias accepted some Chinese rules. However, FaceBook’s service providers did not comply with the rules because they emphasize freedom of speech for reason against that rules. However, China did not allowed any business ran under Chinese laws, so Facebook was block. In my opinion, I did not agree China block Facebook. On that time, blocking Facebook may be useful. Now more than more people have good IT knowledge, so people have so many way to use Facebook in China. For example, they just need to change VPN, and they can use it. The principle of problem is that Chinese government want their country be safer. Blocking may not solve this problem efficiently. Also independents can use other social medias instead of Facebook. Blocking Facebook may not a useful strategy.

I chose Thomas Hobbes to relate to my topic. He through that all legitimate political power must be "representative" and based on the consent of the people; and a liberal interpretation of law which leaves people free to do whatever the law does not explicitly forbid. This is his point of view. If he still alive, he will agree with China blocked Facebook. He thinks society is a population beneath a sovereign authority. Therefore, Chinese should agree with government’s decision. In his book, Leviathan, he said that “The difference between these three kinds of Commonwealth consisteth, not in the difference of power, but in the difference of convenience or aptitude to produce the peace and security of the people; for which end they were instituted. And to compare monarchy with the other two, we may observe: first, that whosoever beareth the person of the people, or is one of that assembly that bears it, beareth also his own natural person. And though he be careful in his politic person to procure the common interest, yet he is more, or no less, careful to procure the private good of himself, his family, kindred and friends; and for the most part, if the public interest chance to cross the private, he prefers the private: for the passions of men are commonly more potent than their reason. From whence it follows that where the public and private interest are most closely united, there is the public most advanced”. (Leviathan,P115,p3). If the public interest chance to cross the private, he prefers the private. When every one rather prefers their privates, the country will lose control. It is not to mention the national peace.

Work Cites

 In my opinion, I understand Hobbes, and Chinese government wants their country to be peaceful, but laws are values which we created. Laws are fixed, but our thinking can change any time. Maybe one law is useful today, but it can be useless after a period of time. Blocking Facebook can create problems of national honor. For most Chinese people, they do not know what other people are saying on Facebook. For example, Hong Kong still allows people useing Facebook. However, there are a few Hong Kong actors keeping insulting China on Facebook openly because they think most Chinese people can not see that. These  actors also come to China and earn Chinese people’ money, but for most people who have no IT knowledge, they do not know their country is insulted. If government can not fix this issue as soon as possible, people may lose their trust from government. Also I think Hobbes ignore some issues. When government force people to do something, it means government have over controled this issue. If the government can not handle this issue, people will lose trust from government. Chinese government blocking Facebook can affect people’s liberty, and it can create a risk which people do not trust government.


  1. I am actually very excited about reading this essay. Have you considered look up the lawsuits filed against Facebook for their part in this, and Facebook being sued for harm by their disclosing to the Chinese government.

    1. Thank you for your idea. I did not realize this problem. Next time I am going to fix it.

  2. I find it interesting that you selected a case from a different country and of all places China. They have one of the most oppressive governments on the planet. I'm sure you have heard of the expression "The Great Firewall of China." The government controls all aspects of media and information going in and out of the country. I will be the first to admit that the US government is not perfect but compared to China our environment is much better. What would happen if a Chinese based company refused to assist the government in breaking into a criminal's iPhone? The CEO would be executed. In China the government don't play no games.

    1. Yes Chinese government is so strict.People's freedom of speach was limited. If you said something relate to politics. You post will be ban quickly.
