Sunday, April 3, 2016

Final Project Proposal

For my final project I would like to focus on a computer espionage case, in regards to cryptographic codes being stolen (the cryptographic codes were to be used in a computer network). The case will be in regards to John A. Walker, and the similarities of the Edward Snowden theft of computer files. These cases are similar as to motive and damage, and the moral stakes that I will explore will be the ethics of betrays motivated my greed, which inflicted heavy damage on the nation. I will endeavor to condemn both men by presenting an argument that what they did was not merely motivated by greed, but rather by a desires to inflict deliberate harm and that they both falsely claimed a high moral position behind their betrayals.


  1. I don't see how Snowden profited. Seems like he would have been better of just doing his $250,000 a year job and living in a nice house instead of moving to Russia. I would rather move to Chelsea rather than Russia. Then again maybe not.

  2. The question is what took president in his role in ethics, moral or greed. Your damned if you do and Damned if you dont

  3. Edward Snowden said that the unconstrained collection of electronic intelligence is destroying civil liberties and creating the conditions for tyranny. Like the pacifists of the two world wars, this is an absolute and principled stand. But like those pacifists, the continued freedom of our society ultimately rests on the refusal of the rest of us to accept such an extreme position, and on our willingness to recognize that an ethical balancing act is needed.
