Saturday, April 30, 2016

Final Social Engineering Assignment

I am sorry that I did not post this earlier.
1.  What was your task? . As a final social engineering assignment I chose to get a picture while I was handcuff in the police officers car.
2.  What did you do? 
. For this assignment I went to 4 different police officers to convince them to help me. My strategy was to come up to ask a few questions. I told him that I had a few questions about the process of being arrested because I was writing a paper for a final project in school and that I was also a criminal justice major in to be a cop later on. 

3.  How effective was your strategy?. I failed this assignment because they were only willing to answer the questions about the process about being arrested. When I asked the if I could try and go to the process just to show how it is through my point of view they told me that they needed a purpose to use their handcuff and that they would not be able to help me out.
4.  What are the moral stakes? Some would say that your not supposed to deceive a officer. 

5.  Now that you have done this, what could you do with the information or skills you obtained?. The only information was the process of being arrested. I also learned that cops are not easily fooled. 

6.  Reflect on how you felt when you were doing this. I need to work more on my deception skills

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