Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 9

1.         My task was to “create an alternate persona /character dress like them and be that persona for the whole day”.
2.         I decided to impersonate who else – my inspiration - my Dad? He was a proud man, loving husband, caring father, and a thorough gentleman. Even though we couldn't share much time together because of various reasons, I am very much inspired by him. The way he looked, behaved and dressed up used to be incredible. He used to wear reading glass and I needed a reading glass to look /dress up like him. I went to an eye-glass shop and purchased a set of reading glass. I wore on my clothing, put on reading glass and headed to complete my task. I firstly went to my college, spend some time there. Then after went to my job dressed like that and returned back home in the evening, task completed.

3.         My strategy was good because I knew my dad more than any other probable personas I might have adopted. Adding reading-glass and dressing up like a gentleman can’t go wrong. Another part of the strategy was if I adopt any other characters like Batman, Spiderman that could have hampered my external daily activities badly including my job.
 4.         There was no moral stakes but had to do some explaining to my colleagues at my work and my family members at home.
5.         I don’t know whether I learned any new skill / information or not. But one thing for sure people will treat you little differently as per the way you look and dress up. Dressing up like professional will have certain advantages over other dress up, especially in the professional field.
6.         About my reflection, to begin with, when I chose this task I was pretty cool about accomplishing this task. Once I was thinking about the persona, I had to do some brainstorming. I thought about characters like Spiderman, Ironman, Batman and many others but persona of my late father easily beat all of them. He was my Spiderman, Ironman, Batman and positives of all of them; so I decided to carry my Dad’s persona for a day. At college, didn’t have any uneasy situation but at my work place I had to do some explanation about my dress-up and specially about reading glass. I just said I had some head-ache and doctor recommended that to me. Explaining at home was little more complicated but somehow I was able to manage. Since the start of the course, my family members have seen me doing some weird stuff. I think, that’s why they understood that I was doing dressed up and behaving like that because of part of my assignment. Task completed and everything good.

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