Saturday, April 16, 2016

Final Social Engineering Task

My task was get access to strangers email accounts.

I decided to start my task at school. CIT class rooms, library, and computer lab can be a good place to start this task. I went to XXX room to check if one computer had an email account which did not log out. However, I could not find any email accounts which still login. I think I just choose a wrong time to come in. Then I went to computer lab to check all the computers which no one used it. I still could not get one. After that, I stayed at one computer, and I waited other students to leave their computers. I checked some of these computers. There did not have a login email account. Then I changed to library to look for target. My targets were two computer which can not use Microsoft Office software next to printers 03. When I use one of these computers. I found one Gmail account which still was login. I could see all important information in this account. Then I log out this account, and I seat near these two computers to wait for target. After a period of time, I saw few students used these computers, and they did not log out. After they left, I took picture from these email accounts, and I help them log out.

I choose this task because I know so many people forget log out their email accounts. Most students use computers at CIT class rooms, library, and computer lab, so I can go to these place to finish my task.  When some people go to library to print anything, they always forget to log out their email account.

 For moral stake, if I am a bad guy, I can do a lot of bad thing from their email account. I can spread malware from these email accounts. I can get all important information form these email such as, bank account, home address, phone number, working conditions, resume…etc. These people take a big risk to disclosure their important information.

For my final task, I learn a lot. I know how danger is forgetting log out email account. Your email account can include a lot of important information. These information may be more than you know. When we use computer at publish place, we need to increase safety consciousness. You can not know who will keep looking at you and steal your information. I think library should leave a note on these computer to remind student logout their account. In summary, so many students forget logout their accounts on the two computer which can not use Microsoft Office software next to printers 03. School should know this case.

For my last task. I feel good because good because I have helped few students log out their accounts. If I don’t do that, they might get in trouble. Hopefully, school can take some action on these two computers because everybody can come to our school. You don’t know who will try to steal your information.


  1. When I use a computer that is not mine I use Google Chrome to access my email. Before I leave the computer I clear the cache after I logout.

  2. Yes that is a good way to save your information.
