Monday, April 4, 2016

4/4 project/ "The right and the good”

Sir W.D. Ross born in Scotland April 15, 1877 who was a moral realist who believed in being a intuitionist and non-naturalist. He was known for his work in ethics and his best work is   "There is probably no act, for instance, which does good to anyone without doing harm to someone else, and vice versa."
Obeying Laws
“If the only duty is to produce the maximum good, who is to have the good?” I’m not sure who is on the right side of tracks when it comes to the new and the best. Is It the consumer or the company who is trying to make the better good of the product when having quantity or quality. I feel the consumer deserve respect from the consumer cause without the public believing in the product by purchasing the new inventive item would the company Nest have taken noticed of Revolv.
In another growing market of the autonomous the Revolv a young smart- home wireless communication are breaking tides with nest cause of the application which pulls your 802.11 (Wi Fi) information from your smartphone and transfers it to the company’s Flash Link ™. Once all has been performed your upload to the proprietary hub your supposed to be running lights, locks, thermostats, speakers, smart-plugs, shades, sensors and etc. You are basically connecting everyday objects with the cloud and smart phone. 2014 Nest bought out smart home hub maker Revolv so they could help out with the acqui-hire deal. The red its Easy button strikes again on every block of the bus stop with a product called Nest. Colorado based company Revolv hardware is being deactivated within homes. The device will no longer have communication with the Revolv hub cause once May 15, 2016 approaches they will not be able to allocate the resources back to themselves again so shutting down service means shutting down product.  One of the reasons for the shutdown is because the Revolv device mainly reliant on Nest's server support, which it is no longer willing to provide service to Revolv’s small handful of consumers. The Revolv team was assigned to work on the "Works with Nest" API and it appears that they simply can no longer swing supporting the Revolv hub and developing the API at the same time.


  1. I really like your combination of issue/incident and philosopher.

  2. Having what is know as a smart home is not very smart if you ask me. The more entities you have online, the more likely someone is going to hack them just for the sake of doing so. I remember years ago a very intelligent yet mischievous classmate developed a multi frequency device to open people's garage door that had wireless garage door openers. He did it not to steal items but just to see if he could do it. Nothing online is safe. Nothing.

  3. Nothing is safe for we live in s society of evolution which is a great thing or a curse? As the pressure grows taking some responsibilities off human mechanics I just trying to decide how leverage I'm going to give the manufacture cause I want the new and the best.

  4. You cannot trust any hardware, software or service that relies on "the cloud", even coming with a "lifetime warranty".

  5. Like everyone else said, nothing that you post online ever gets deleted, and nothing is safe online. We want the best of the technology, and technology can do almost everything nowadays, but with that puts our personal information/lives at stake.
