Monday, April 4, 2016

Final Ethics project

For my final project I want to cover the Aaron Swartz case. I know I touched on this briefly the other day, but I feel like this is an important case and I should go more into it. I want to show ideas from a certain philosopher that back my feelings on this case. Aaron was morally correct and the justice system tore him apart and abused their power, he was so compassionate about our rights and freedoms but he was taken down by the gavel. How can we as a society give a man potentially 35 years in prison for stealing academic documents? but give some murderers and rapists less jail time, what does that say about our justice system.


  1. I totally agree. For some reason the government comes down harder on cyber criminals that inflict little to no damage than they do on violent criminals. I could not believe the sentence that the person in the Anonymous movie received for doing a DOS attack on the Scientology web server. Every night I watch the news and see all the crimes committed against people and the perpetrators get a light sentence. Remember the Judge Maria Lopez incident? The prosecutor was treated harsher than the criminal and she gets her own TV show. Like Al Pacino said in the movie Law and Order, the whole system is out of order.

  2. Very notable topic, society is scared of the unknown. And it only takes one person to describe a False Aesop Tale to manipulate people's simple thoughts.

  3. Even though act of Aaron Swartz weren't completely legal, the reaction of the criminal justice system can't be commended in this case.

  4. Aaron Swartz was, himself, an ethics fellow at Harvard University, when he downloaded the files in question. He had a clear ethical position that he was pursuing.

  5. The justice system is in shambles and these harsh punishments aren't just directed at cyber criminals. Non-violent offenses can net you more time in prison than murder and rape. You can get caught with an insignificant amount of drugs and still spend more time in prison than murderers and rapists.

  6. it is because the government defines what is "right" and "wrong." The government could be hanging murderers, while they themselves invade other countries and kill innocent people. And yes I agree with the post above, it is not wrong to be putting people in jail for stealing academic documents, but it is really messed up how murderers and rapists are put in for a less amt of time.

  7. it is because the government defines what is "right" and "wrong." The government could be hanging murderers, while they themselves invade other countries and kill innocent people. And yes I agree with the post above, it is not wrong to be putting people in jail for stealing academic documents, but it is really messed up how murderers and rapists are put in for a less amt of time.

  8. I agree with Sgt.BabyPink the justice system is shambles. I also think that in this case his sentencing might have to do with the fact that he "stole" $1.6 million worth of documents previously, but they couldn't do anything about it since they were public documents. When he illegally downloaded data again they put as many relevant charges as they can on him to set an example.
