Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Social Engineering #8

Task: Convince a fellow player that you speak a language you don't actually speak

I Didn't have a good plan to execute/time to trick a fellow classmate on this one. In the hopes I may revive a little credit, Thursday I  tricked a co worker. I work with a lot of people that speak Spanish and for most of them  it's their first language. I usually work  in the back of the restaurant and I work with one women who I ask about Spanish words all the time. I ask her to tell me things in Spanish so I learn a little here and there. I took 3 years of Latin in high school but I barley retained a thing from it but I thought I may be able to play it off Like I was fluent or had a grasp on it. I brought it up that I wanted to tech her some Latin words in exchange for her teaching me Spanish, she agreed. I made up 75% of our conversion (felt bad) but She bought it. She would tell me something and my rebudle would be pretty much all bogus and a hint of Latin.

I felt kind of shitty about the misinformation but truthfully who is going to use Latin unless you're a Lawyer, it's a dead language. I was telling her Latin phrases like veni vidi vici, which means I came, I saw, I concurred when I was supposed to be telling her the Latin words for putting something away. It was very strange and at times I had to hold back laughs considering how obsurd it was.  All in all I didn't break any morals that I hold close to me.


  1. Sed nisl lab password et alium habere vos post recordare quia extra fidem quae hic hodie.

    Tha , ach cha robh cuimhn 'agad fhaighinn eile cluicheadairean lab am facal-faire agus an uair sin a phostadh seo airson a bharrachd puingean creideis an-diugh .

  2. Hahaha....5 points since it wasn't a fellow player.
