Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Social engin 10

My task was to have another classmate switch seats with me. So my first attempt was to a conversation in with another lass mate. I sat in Admirals Chartreuse when he passed out donuts. He nicely asked me not to get any glaze on his laptop then it hit me that the next time we come to class I could beat his table neighbor to the chair. Second attempt was the next class in session. I've noticed that a certain someone usually came to class around 2:30pm on the dot. So I sat at the first table in the middle of the class with my injured leg propped up under a coat & sweat shirt. I was able to use this to my advantage by getting Lelion Noir to hand me a tasty round bagel. I have to say it was a joy to come into Panera Bread as a treat; THANK YOU Lelion Noir for the Asiago bagel with cheese. We don’t have assigned seats in the room but everyone kind of has a set station in the room where they seem to find themselves comfortable. My comfort zone has become the second table located in the middle of the room just behind Rev Cyan. When he walked into the room he noticed that his usual spot was take so he galloped to the further side of table, and this was a light walk. Gallop just sounded funny to me even though I've never seen him skip. He didn’t inquire the reason for why I was reseated but he did have to grab another chair to add to the table, so I guess I did kind of hijacked his usual location to where he feels more comfortable stationed. It’s definitely the first table located in the middle of room. Class went on as usual until we finished early to get a heads up on the rest of the assignments. So I didn’t get Rev Cyan to change to where I would normally sit in class, but I did have him switch seats and I did help take up extra space at the table enjoys sitting. To me I performed the task cause he migrate but just to the other side of the table. I don’t feel bad cause every had available seating in the room and was able to enjoy Panera Bread thanks to Lelion Noir.

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