Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Final Social Engineering Task Completed

On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at about 5:00 PM, I declared that I was going to leave work and walk to the Downtown Crossing T Station. I stated that I would pretend that I could not find my T pass and I didn’t have my wallet and ask the T person if I can go in without paying.

When I got inside the Downtown Crossing station entrance near Roche Brothers, I positioned myself within sight of the T person. I frantically shuffled through all my pockets while at the same time looking distressed. I explained to the T person that I could not
find my monthly T pass and that I left my wallet at the office. I politely asked if I he could let me in. The T person ushered me over to an unlocked gate and instructed me to pass through. I waved to the woman in the booth and she smiled as I passed through.

As you just read, my strategy was simple yet effective. As I like to say, very few moving parts. I didn’t feel as though there were any moral stakes. I actually do have a monthly T pass therefore I was not taking any revenue away from the monetarily strapped Mass Transit system. What I have learned is that if I ever get in a situation where I do not have any money or my T pass, there is a chance that if I ask nicely and I approach a kind hearted T person, I can get on the T without paying. 

I was nervous going into this task because I was doing it just for the sake of taking advantage of the T person. Then when he was so nice to me I felt bad for taking advantage of his kindness. As much as I complain about the T, this exercise made me realize that most of the people that perform the day to day tasks to keep the system running are people like me just coming into work each day just doing their jobs.  

The photo shows the gate that I entered through, next to the booth where the lady was that smiled at me as I passed through. The T person that gave me permission to enter was standing about ten feet before the gate. 

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