Monday, April 11, 2016

Social Engineering 10, Versions 4.0 Aborted

If you tell me to go somewhere where I am not supposed to be and to take pictures, trouble in a major way could result.

For example, if a yellow mop bucket is obtained, with a mop, and a couple of fold-up signs were deployed the person tasks with "going places" would be generally overlooked in the or shower rooms or bathrooms of the opposite genders at the school. Something about a full bladder and a limited time between cases tends to blind people as to the improper gender being in a place they should not be, especially if they were mopping the wet floors after some sort of plumbing problem.

The yellow bucket, mops, and warning signs were all purchased at Home Depot, and may or may not have resulted in visits to several bathrooms and showerrooms without anybody saying or doing anything.

Only an utter fool would have taken pictures during such a project, or even had any device with them that was capable of capturing sounds and sights.

The moral stakes are interesting because nothing in the school conduct guide prohibits opposite gender in each others bathrooms or shower rooms, but their is an unspoken social prohibition towards such actvities, and it is not an act that is prohibited by law.

The damage that could result, could be quite devastating as photographs or video shot in these areas and posted to a public forum could bring shame and tremendous embarrassment to the person who was photographed or videotaped.

As a measure to ensure privacy, it was called out that the (opposite gender) "maintenance" was to enter the room, and sufficient time was given to ensure the room was not occupied by any person beyond the student with the mop and bucket, and trying to push the limits of good behavior to score the maximum points.

No photographs taken, partial failure


  1. Sounds like a good way to meet woman. Either that or a good way to end up getting tossed outta BHCC and be on Fox News,
