Monday, April 11, 2016

Social Engineering Post #10 version 1.0

The task I was given was to "go someplace where I should not be, and take a picture"

I approached this in three different ways.

The first one carried the highest risk, as I had to essentially cover myself in blood fish gut and then jump into  a full of piranhas.

The school does not like it when students fully dismantle a computer, clean out all the dust and debris, scrap the lint out of the fans and heatsinks, remove the heat sink and apply fresh compound, remove the hard drive and perform a forensically sound copy, then install a new hard drive, with a fresh OS, with a software based fire-wall, and an anti-virus package. I was playing with fire, and to make this more challenging I did this when tech support was in their cubby, when the director is IS was sitting him his office and glaring at me, and the two lab monitors were nervously pacing back and forth. 

As you can see the school has a problem keeping their computers clean:

In the first image you can see that the CPU chip heat sink is so clogged with dust and debris that when the fan is capable to spinning it knocks of large chunks of dust and crude the disallow air to flow, to cool off the chip, which at a certain temperature shuts dow the entire computer to reduce thermal damage. 

In the above image you can see the fan blade scraping layers of air choking garbage off the CPU heat sink... you know, the "thingy" that acts as an air conditioner.

In the above image, you can see the clogged CPU heatsink and the think layer of dust, so bad in fact that the fan woudl not move, and was essentially frozen in this position.

In the above image, that is human hair, skin cells, fingernail fragment, beard hair, and rodent hair.

We next turn our attention to the graphics board, and we can see that the fan is frozen due to hair, dust, and heavens knows what else. You can see where the fan is bound up against the housing, and the very large chunk of nastiness being ejected.

The above picture is just too nasty, and word fall short of describing it. 

The coating of the power supply cable with this thick of a layer of crud, is an instant clue that maintenance on this computer is being ignored, and has been ignored, for about three years.

While we are at it, lets look at the air intakes, closely, then vomit into the nearest wastebasket with what is clearly visible in this image. To truly enjoy the carnage go to full resolution and look real close, and yes, those are actually LICE infesting the shag carpet blocking the air from moving..

Being a hacker, I was not merely content to clean the poor asthmatic machine, I collected samples of biological materials found inside the computer, trapped in the vents, trapped in the heat sinks, coating the wires, and so on. I even sorted out some dead head lice.

See the following image, and the 50 samples I carefully collected for lab analysis into vials for DNA mapping .

The contents of this sample is frightening when you realize that some of the hair found is human pubic hair and armpit hair, plus a helping of rodent hair and droppings.

I also swabbed the keyboard and did a forensic vacuuming of the keyboard for 50 points, and you really, really, really do not want to know what showed up in the sample. Trust me, you will not want to use any keyboard or mouse, because there was quite specifical human "biological fluids" dripping and slopping around under the keys of the keyboard.

I did not commit any act of deception to access this machine, or to open it up, but I did get the "evil eye" from some of the trolls who prowl the computer lab to catch student smuggling in donuts and wedding cakes.

I had no moral stakes in the game, other then to graphically point out the filth and nastiness the school the students are being exposed to. As this social engineering task was more about my bold to fully tear a computer down  photograph it, and then reassemble it, under the glaring eyes of the tech support people, I should get some point for boldness. 

There was a risk that if I did not move rapidly enough that tech support might raid the collection of the biological materials, and have a little temper tantrum, but they were vigilantly monitoring student smuggling cakes, pizza, donuts and so on, to be bothered my what I was doing. 

Actually, you could probably embalm a corpse in the computer lab, and they would ignore it, but by heavens they can smell a sealed thermos of coffee 35 feet away.

The biological samples have now been amplified and are festering in agarose gell to run some mapping of the genetic markers.

Oh, the humanity.


  1. BLOODY HELL THIS IS ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING! What damage is drinking and eating in there gonna do if ppl are shedding their pubic hair into the computers. btw i really hope that wasnt pubic hair like wut :'(

  2. I should not have read your post during breakfast. I think during the summer the computer ab is going to replace a lot of the PCs in the lab. BTW you never would have gotten away with this on my watch when I worked in the computer lab.
