Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Final Social Enginnering Project

My final social engineering task that I chose was to have an acquaintance or friend of one of our professors to contact them on my behalf.

Luckily, I succeeded.

I started planning this since early in the semester since class #2. I started doing my research, which took a a lot of time. I also started developing my strategy as I didn't want to fail but at the same time not appear to be creepy. By halfway through the semester the plan was set into place and I started confront individuals. I hedged my bets by contacting friends and acquaintances of both of my instructors. It all came down to the wire this weekend as I discovered I was friends with the wife of one of my instructor's friends. The individual then proceeded to contact the professor.

At times I felt like giving up honestly. Due to my academic course load and life at home, at times, I wanted to maybe pick a different task. But I kept on and out of luck found a connection. It felt creepy at times sending emails and what not to complete strangers. Hopefully those emails went through their garbage folders.

I think this assignment taught me to have patience, thoughtful planning, and and to look at all possible avenues for clues, even the most obvious ones. I think these skills can come in useful when setting up an operation, and the showing the amount dedication planning that goes into doing so.

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