Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The right to Privacy

Privately is close to far range of darkness to light. Within the space of four walls no matter what work facility home and office grocery store or even MBTA transportation. We are born with the natural right of privacy. Upon having this birthright is issued with a certificate of a known birth and with eight digits on a card to id each individual as live stock. These vital statics are important to coexistence of our civilized society; while these two items initiate how a style of life is going to expand through accommodating everyday means. It’s a system set up to make you without you even knowing you where guided towards a direction. If you never obtained the material needed to exist then you would be a mere figment of an imagination. The system is set up to take a recorded account for actions of individual’s whom are born on this planet. Even those who go off the grid have already been accounted for and can be lost for years on lonesome means of a lost world that did exist with nomads venturing around the earth’s surface. “Gossip is no longer the resource of the idle but has become a trade of financial gain” (Samuel D. Warren & Louis D Bradeis p.196). Performing a search on the web has become a common market for search browsers who has made a gold mine of selling information to third-party advisers.  Web browsers are our new means of Webster’s dictionary, encyclopedia and immediate news information by the second which has left books for other means of use.
The Apple and DOJ war in regards to offering the FBI a backdoor to the popular device IPhone so it may offer leads to why the young married couple killed 14 people at a holiday party in San Bernardino, CA. If Apple brought the backdoor to the FBI to offer assistant towards the case it does not mean they will find what they are looking for in the phone. But by offering them the exempt to glance into the mind of a killers vision possibly on the IPhone of help give them leverage on why the killings occurred or prevent any new attacks. Justice is a moral character of each own but do I fully believe in the legal system yes. Do I feel by letting the FBI have an opportunity into the mind of a killer will help their cause of finding out why 14 people were killed yes. But the question is after this backdoor is open will it allow other back-doors to cracked open on a regular basis of whose moral ground of justice? Cause even though the justice system is set up to protect and serve. Sometimes it depends on what side of moral justice that justice itself is on.

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