Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Social Engineering Task #5

So my task was to get Admiral Charteuse to give me his glasses and hold them. This time I did use a total different and pretty straightforward approach. I went for it and gave myself a 50/50 chance to succeed. I asked him if he wanted to either tell me the brand of his phone or let me hold his glasses. Well guess what? He gave me the brand of his phone, so yea I failed miserably. I didn't have time to think a lot because I picked up the paper late in class. I guess next time I will use a different/sneaker approach. Didn't learn much from this experience other than, if you want to achieve something, you need to be at least above 50% sure that you are going to achieve it. On the other hand, I spotted some other player (Can't remember his alias) sneaking up on me after class, or trying to keep a distance or something. We'll see if I am right.