Thursday, March 24, 2016

Property assignment

I choose John Locke from the "Some ideas on property" document. In this passage, John Locke explained that our property only belong us not other people. He used our labor to be an example to explain his point. For example, you write a program. You spend almost a week to finish that program. This program is the result of your labor because you spend a lot of time and work hard on this program. This program is your asset. The other people have no right to take your program to do something else without your permission. If other people just take your program, it equal to stealing your money. Your program is your property, and you have right to use it do to anything.

There are three situation relate to my passage.
 Hotz posted a copy of the root keys of the PlayStation 3 on his website, so everyone can use it to crack their PlayStation 3. This case can relate to my passage. If everyone can use this keys to crack their PlayStation 3, it means everyone can play PS3 games for free. These people use other companies’ property without their permission. It does not conform John Locke’s ideas.
The News
Tvpad to officially shutdown TVPad 1 – 3 on Jan 1st, 2016. People can buy a Tvpad to watch any kind of TV Shows or movies for free. However, Tvpad’s company does not get any copy right from other companies. The Tvpad’s company use other companies’ property to run their business without permission. It can equal they steal other companies asset openly.
The News
Apple adds copyright infringement to reasons for rejecting apps. It means an App steal other App’s ideas, it can not release on Apple store. I agree with this policy because a lot of Apps break the copyright. You can search a game at Apple store, and you may find a few games which are extremely similar. Actually, these Apps’s developers may just change other App‘s a few pictures and icons, and it became their own App. Apparently, they have stolen other people’ labor.
The News

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