Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I Give Up (SEA #4)

My mission was to create a fake profile, and make 5 people to follow me.

Since I was overconfident that the task would be easy and done in minutes, I started to randomize names and information using fakenamegenerator.com. The website is really cool and it helps to make up information a lot. Then, I proceeded to look for non-famous people pictures over the Internet using Google. Two pictures, the better. Google image search proved really useful. I created a profile on Tumblr.

I made sure that the individual on the picture has to be sexually attractive, but not in any way looking fake or over-stylized (such as models). Topics and things that attract people into following others over the web are the topics that you're not allowed to talk in family meetings (Politics, Sex, and Religion). I began to target both men and women on that network. I got to say that I felt a little bit guilty, since cat-fishing is something that I don't want to be targeted to.

Fake Profile:

Tumblr profile:



  1. You will find that this project is optimally completed by creating an appealing profile on an adult dating website or an "adult" website where people go to to partner up.

    Set up the profile, but be careful to properly source the images so that if someone performs a reverse image search that the image will not show up.

    Then create data within the profile that will get other people "highly attracted" to the profile, and thence to you. Then using this fake profile, message several dozen other members of the same site to "friend" you, but base the interest in YOUR profile to include those things that they post in THIER profile so that you set everything up with a MUTUAL interest. Then send them an invitation to link to you or to friends you, and once you have a dozen friends your mission is complete, and you can delete the account.

    From an ethical perspective, it is improper to lead the other person on, but merely sending them a hey I see we have some similar interests, would you consider friending me" is the least morally offensive things you can do. It is however, more morally offense to continue communication beyond the initial invitation as is starts to slip into the realm of "catfishing" a person. Once you have them linked to your profile, discontinue communication, and once you have double the number of people linked to you, snap a copy of the profile, showing the links, and then fully delete the account, so that you do not frustrate the other people who may be messaging your profile as this woudl be "leading them on" with them hoping to establish a relationship or dating, and to continue the keeping the profile open would actually be an act of emotional cruelty to them.

  2. Decent attempt but I like the suggestion by Reverend Cyan. In addition, you do have to be a bit more proactive I think.
