Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 6

My target was LelionNoir

1.  What was your task? My task for this week was to add a note into a fellows player phone.

2.  What did you do? I approached my target by asking if I can borrow his phone to make a phone call since my phone had died. He gave me his phone without any hesitation.

3.  How effective was your strategy? Very easy, as the target was sitting right next to me.

4.  What are the moral stakes? Moral stakes are what I would do with this information. I could of looked through his contacts and made a note of some, or looked thru his emails to fish for information.

5.  Now that you have done this, what could you do with the information or skills you obtained? I didn't obtain any information, only added a note on his phone.

6.  Reflect on how you felt when you were doing this. I felt bad since I was using the individual to accomplish my task.

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