Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Social Engineering Task #6 (FAILED)

1.  What was your task?
Getting a fellow player to invite you to their home

2.  What did you do? 
I stood outside of the parking lot near a car and pretended that I accidently got locked out of my car (It was not actually my car). I saw bluebonnet going to his car and he asked me what was wrong as I was acting flustered and upset. He asked me if I needed a ride home and I said yes, I asked him where he lived and he told me, and I said I live very close to there as well. We were on our way and unfortunately, no matter how much I tried to convince him that I needed help on my assignments, he did not invite me over because I guess everyone does have their guard up and realizes that it could be a social engineering task. 

3.  How effective was your strategy?

My strategy was effective, but I think that everyone in the class knows that we are trying to social engineer eachother. If it was someone from a different class, then I think it could have worked. 

4.  What are the moral stakes?
The moral stakes of this social engineering task are none because I failed at it!

5.  Now that you have done this, what could you do with the information or skills you obtained?
I learned where bluebonnet lives. If I was a stalker or a creep, or wanted to rob his house I now know the location. That is why we should never give rides to strangers, because they may be getting information out of you indirectly by acting innocent and helpless. 

6.  Reflect on how you felt when you were doing this.

I felt awful while doing this because I am not use to emotionally manipulating people into doing things for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent attempt! Maybe you can offer Bluebonnet a ride or buy him lunch.
