Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Social Engineering Task 7

My task of the week was to get someone to purchase me lunch. Didn’t go as smoothly as I would’ve liked. I asked King Blue, and he immediately knew I was up to something, so kudos to him for a good catch. Also, he knew Reverend Cyan was social engineering the class with his disgusting looking foot. Can’t believe I fell for that. Anyway, I pivoted towards Lelion Noir and it kind of worked. Well he didn’t buy me lunch per se, but he purchased me a Snickers Bar, and some Hershey kisses from Jade, which was great since I love chocolate sweets. Haven’t eaten the Snicker’s Bar yet though, keep thinking about that nasty picture Reverend posted L.  Didn’t have enough time to gather intel but at least I got some chocolates for later.

Go Trump! Woohooo!!!

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