Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Is Apple "that" right? (Extra Post)

It is in my belief that Apple has been accused unfairly of supporting the terrorists privacy; however, I believe there should be more perspective when discussing this issue. Terrorist attacks such as the ones in Paris and San Bernardino are becoming more common, as well as domestic attacks in public places. Since the enacting of more reasonable gun control laws is out of the question, something else needs to be done.

Gen. Michael Hayden. (Ret.)

1 comment:

  1. Apple is not in the wrong, but Apple is also lying to the federal court in Riverside, CA, and after reading the Amicus filings by parties outside of the case, it would appear that the Amici are utterly clueless about the technical vulnerabilities in the iPhones and iDevices. The Lightning connector had, and still has a wonderful vulnerability, just utterly stellar, and as of yet, nobody has related this epic vulnerability to the court. Well, as least not yet, but I hear rumblings that there will be a Judicial Notice filed in the case, that will likely result in the case getting tossed out of court, and then the court sanctioning the attornies on both sides. News at 11 as the say (perhaps as an extra credit project).
