Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 7

1.  What was your task? Get a fellow player to tell you there voting place.

2.  What did you do? I came in class and was taking about how the post that reverend Cyan did and then i shifted to conversation to how Bernie sanders was from the hood and asked bluebonnet if he voted and he told that he voted for Trump then later admitted that he voted in Dorchester. Also got Admiral Chartreuse to tell me his which was Newton 

3.  How effective was your strategy? My strategy was bit weak but he social engineered me as well got me to buy him lunch lol.  
4.  What are the moral stakes? No moral.

5.  Now that you have done this, what could you do with the information or skills you obtained? Trying to figure out where they lived.

6.  Reflect on how you felt when you were doing this. Felt good doing it.


  1. Yup, now you know where I live. The Hood! You should come visit...we have cookies, and big rats that chase cats, lol. Go Trump!

  2. OK. I think the intent was their actual voting location, not just the town. 4 points
