Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Social Engineering Task 6

Social Engineering Task 6

My task for the week was to get a fellow player to give me a ride home. I decided to target Ms PinkyToe because she had followed me home the week prior on her social engineering task, which I considered to be very uncool! After I noticed her post on the blog, I decided to give her a call to give her crap her being a stalker, and proceeded to ask her to meet me at the school to go over some labs she was having difficulties with. We met up and after a few hours I asked if she could give me a ride home so I wouldn’t have to pay for the train ride. I snapped a couple of pics of her dirty car while she wasn't looking. I guess the lesson here for me personally is to remember not to listen to loud music and watch my surroundings for any potential stalkers while walking home. As for MsPinkyToe, clean your car for once in your life! Damn!


  1. Ah yes, a revenge Social Engineering, very cool.

    You could have leveraged this a bit further by inviting her to go to dinner with you (your treat) and encourage her to drink, and then offer to drive, etc, etc.

    Very well done.
