Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Social Engineer 5

Mspinkytoe on the move again. My task this week was to follow a classmate and get a snapshot of their front door. Only being aware of a few mates in my class and a handful of them are usually to the left of me. Towards the end of class performed a small game to get to know one another in the class by saying our names and fun facts to help get more acquainted. As class ended I slowly walked behind some fellow targets to figure out who would be my next victim. I decided on taking a trip to Eros Boutique & Accessories which happen to be in the same direction of any target do a little light shopping. Upon my way of entering the MBTA turn styles I met BlueBonnet and inform them I was heading the same direction as he was to go to one of my favorite boutique area. We conversed a little while commuting on the train ride. Upon arriving near the stop he started gathering his and so did I. He walked the opposite direction heading towards the west the same direction that the Sun was setting. My direction was to the east as if I was going to the direction of Eros Boutique in the area. When I noticed he was in his own world of heading home. I changed my direction slowing pacing behind him and tried my best to keep a small distance behind him. This task so very odd to me it just did not fit right as my character. As I watched him glide up the stairs to the door I waited as he entered his comfort zone. I took a quick snapshot and headed back east towards the Orange Line train. I never made it to Eros Boutique & Accessories that day for they happened to be closed and they really didn't exist in that particular area but he wasn't a shopper so he didn't know that. This task was completely out of my character it was a very hard for me to fulfill because I felt like a stalker. The task was completed mspinkytoe is officially off for
duty. It's a rough job somebody's gotta do it.