Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Social Engineering #6

The task this week was to mimic Kevin Minick. Who was institutionalized for hacking into the Digital Equipment Corporation’s network and after serving the judicial system became a consultant and public speaker for computer security. He now runs Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC. Not sure if I am able to perform such a successful but my attempt was to load a song onto a pc. From a favorite music site called GSlikeYOU.YaskME. You can retrieve a single song or entire album from the site. Load it onto a pc by right click save link to load on a media device. Once completed able to listen to sounds of artist. I did not agree with what was performed so deleted  the file because it is against what I believe when it comes to any artist and their hard work they put forward to entertain people.

<title>English Songs, Music Albums, Latest Tracks, Hindi Songs, Best Of the month, Video Songs, Mp3 Search Engine, Upcoming Albums</title>
<meta name="description" content=" GSlikeYOU.YaskME A Website Where You Download English Songs, Latest Music Albums, Latest Tracks and Latest songs


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