Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Social Engineering Task #6

My task was to get someone to invite you into their home. On Friday I had my mother call her friend so that I could talk to her. I told her that I was very sorry that I can't make it to the party this weekend to celebrate and meet the little boy that they had adopted due to work. I told her that I really wanted to meet the little boy and give him a gifts. I then asked her if she was still going to be home in 40 minutes so that I could drive over to her house and meet him. She told me yes and that she had to leave in 2 hours so I grabbed the gifts and drove to her house to meet the boy. It was really nice to see both of her adopted boys getting along really well. My strategy was pretty effective since I was repeatedly telling her how sorry I was that I couldn't make it and was kind of pushing her to let me go over to her house to give the boy a gift. The moral stakes would be that I was manipulating someone to let me gain access into their home and from there I can gain access to a lot of personal information. With the skills obtained from this I could gather information from open mails lying around the house or access that information by attempting to gain access to locked rooms. I felt really uncomfortable while doing this since it seemed that she had made plans already but pushed them back because of me.


  1. When a person invites you into their home, for any reason it puts them into a position of extreme vulnerability, and since they must trust you in order to give the invitation their guard will be down, and once in the house it will become easier and easier to manipulate them towards other things. You can literally pile on social engineering projects on top of other projects once you are inside the house.
