Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Social Engineering Task #5

My task was to get a fellow player to let me copy their homework for this class. At the end of class as I was approaching the professor for some clarifications on a previous assignment I saw that Dr. Green had the labs open and was printing it out. I approached him and asked if he had started on the lab yet and told him that I was stuck on a few of those questions. He told me that he hasn't started the lab yet so I asked him if he could help me out with a few of the questions when he finished it. I caught up with him later on after we left the classroom to talk some more about the lab and exchange emails so he could help me. I think it was a pretty effective strategy since we both wanted to finished the lab. Not sure what the moral stakes in this are. I could use this to persuade someone to do something by making them think they are being helpful. I felt bad while doing this since it felt like I was abusing someone's kindness.