Monday, March 28, 2016

Property Assignment (1)

From the "Some ideas on property" document we chose the passage from Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. In this passage Proudhon talks about how "property engenders despotism" and how "Property is the right to use and abuse". Based on those two thoughts he then poses the question "how could a government of proprietors be anything but chaos and confusion?". He had a petition against the right to title whereas some people would suggest that the property be shared by everyone he suggested its entire abolition. He thinks that "harm and abuse cannot be dissevered from the good" and that "To seek to do away with the abuses of property, is to destroy the thing itself"

1. A situation that this would apply to is if someone were to purchase a smartphone like an iPhone and wanted to put some custom software on it but are unable to do so because of the restrictions put onto the phone by the manufacturer. It relates to Proudhon's idea that property is the right to use and abuse. When you purchased that phone it's now your property and you should be able to whatever you want with it.

2. One of a currently hotly debated issues in regards of information technology is Net Neutrality, which
consists of making Internet traffic neutral without Internet Service Providers (ISP) interference or
control. That means, ISPs are forbidden to favor certain types of traffic over others (such as Netflix,
Spotify or their competitors), block certain websites (like blocking competition websites, like AT&T over Comcast). Governments would also stay at bay when regulating or surveying Internet traffic. Proudhon, a French philosopher, believed that property, or the concept of it, inevitably created
despotism, and a balance should be reached between public property and private property in order to avoid it.

3. Surveillance cases could be observed in China, where American services like Facebook or Twitter are
banned by their Government, putting in their place parallel social networks with strong surveillance and
control. This entity foresees what it is good and what it is bad for people to see (in huge contrast of
Western liberal democracies, on which a concept of individuality is pursued).This proves the argument
of Proudhon, on which the government acts like the solemn owner of people, and in which uses and
abuses of them as it wishes. Once again, in an “ideal” public domain on which the Internet belongs to people, it could use it for illegal and dubious purposes. Once example would be ISIS abuses the web for plotting attacks on
civilians. Other example, at a lesser but more frequent degree, would be online harassment, trolling and
bullying. Once more, the argument of Proudhon proves right as “the people” (or more precisely, The
Mob) would abuse of an uncontrolled and ungoverned use of the Internet
A balance between the power of the government and the power of the people over the use of the
Internet should be achieved to avoid such situations.

By Chevalier Rouge & Admiral Arsenic

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