Monday, March 28, 2016

Property Assignment (1)

David Hume (18th century, Scotland)
(A Treatise of Human Nature, part 2, section 2)
For the property assignment (1), we chose the passage from David Hume’s “A Treatise of Human Nature, part 2, section 2”. The passage is mostly about property and justice. “To imagine, that we can have any idea of property, without fully comprehending the nature of justice, and shewing its origin in the artifice and contrivance of man”. David Hume finds that the government and industry uses the law as a playground. We all live life to participate in ownership; it’s just at what price does it take to fully endear the satisfaction of property. As society ventures more and more into the future making way from computers robotic help we are freely giving up our rights. The more we lose our individual autonomy of what makes us innovators of the constant change in the new profound technology. While this technology becomes a more vital part of daily activities, automate decision-making process and continues to transform the way people communicate and relate to each other. This further complicates the already problematic tasks of attributing moral responsibility. The question to ask is when the lawmakers naturally step in on the consumers behalf; will you be ready to advocate for your rights and if so would the law respond to these potential moral yet practical problems.

The following situations in computing may apply to our passage:
1.         Electronics have been integrated into just about everything we buy; we live in a digital age. DMCA is impacting more people than ever before because the line between hardware, software, physical and digital which has become a blur when it comes to having the next great device. “We should be able to lift the hood, unlock it, modify it, and repair it … without asking for permission from the manufacturer”. Technology companies like car manufacturers are moving beyond small features like autonomous braking, lane assist, to fully workable cars that drive themselves with little human oversight. With this technology taking off automakers are only interested in profit and that they want to sell software upgrades for themselves, blocking many tuners out of the business. The auto manufacturers would play a key role in the product liability case regarding autonomous vehicles in one of the trickiest issues to cross-over as self-driving cars continue their development. As technology shapes and forms into new development the goal is to rage against machine and march with the movement of autonomous cause its presently here with or without you.

Link to news article:


2.         Registry of deeds keep the records of property and that is being made easy by computing and online applications. Some cities are teaming up with technology companies to get their land records online. In our given passage it reads as, “A man's property is some object related to him”. If that is the case, there must be some type of recording system which relates particular object to particular individual. In this big world, this can be achieved by computing.
Link to news article:

3.         Digitization is part of our daily life and digital signatures are being introduced to save cost and time. Now we can use digital signatures almost everywhere from tax return to signing huge contracts by an athlete. Passage talks about leaving possession of goods of another person, and expects reciprocation from another person. To achieve that goal, there needs to be some kind of verbal or written agreement which can be provided by communication and computing.

Link to news article:

By Ms. Pinkytoe and King Blue

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