Friday, March 4, 2016

Social Engineering Task #6

My task was to get a fellow player to give you a gift

Before I started my task, I changed all my social medias’ date of birth. I changed it to be March 1st. Then I tried to pretend today is my birthday. Finally, my target was Admiral Aresenic. At the beginning, I just had a normal conversation with her. We also talk about our homework. After few minutes, I told her today was my birthday. She felt surprised. Then I made a joke to let her buy me a bag of candy for gift. She was nice, and she bought it to me. I finish my task successfully.   

My strategy it that using my birthday to be an excuse. If you ask someone buy you something with no reason, it was very strange. Using birthday to be an excuse can be easier to ask for a gift. A small bag of candy will be my target for gift because it is cheap. It makes your asking become easier. My target was Admiral Aresenic because I have helped her to do her lab last week. When I had a normal conversation with her, I talked about our homework especially. Therefore, it can make my request easier.

My behavior was bad. It make our trust decrease. Maybe people was hard to trust me next time.

I have done this. I think I learn something special. It was a good reason to leave a wrong date of birth on your social media. It can defend some one utilizes your date of birth to do something. Also, we can not trust someone date of birth on social media easily. This information can be fake.

I felt so embarrassing to do that. It seems I have conversation with Admiral Arsenic on purpose. I had to say sorry for herbut I still have to finish my task.


  1. Doctor Green,

    Your goal was achieved, the potential damage to anybody was extremely limited, and to balance the proverbial scales of Karma you could offer to buy the Admiral snacks that are equal to three times the value of what you deceived her in purchasing for you.

    There are five things that a social engineer craves more than anything else. First, they crave your password(s) because these character and numbers is the primary method by which most people run their lives.

    Then, they seek your accurate date of birth, then your social security number, and of course, your home addresses, especially if your credit cards and bank account are registered to that addresses. In fact with only those small pieces of data, an unethical hacker can open bank accounts, steal your credit cards, get your driver's license issued to them, and even get THEIR picture put on your drivers license.

    With a little, slightly more harmful edge to it, the social engineer can open bank accounts using your name and identity, and it is likely that most people will have no idea what is afoot until the accounts are drawn into an extremely negative balance account.

    In the event that someone has your credit card number, or even your bank account number they can siphon funds, or charge purchases to it, and unless you account is not set up in a special way, it will take months or even years to straighten out.

    Would you have considered telling her that you would like to buy some candy, but ask her to loan you a dollar until the next day? It would have accomplished the same results, but caused you less stress.

  2. Yes your plant is a good way to do that. My task is get a fellow player to give you a gif. If I asked her to lend me a dollar, It seems she lends me dollar not give me a gift. I was not sure that does my task allow me to do that?

  3. Doctor Green, this was well done and I agree with Reverend can always thank your classmate for helping with your task (even though she/he didn't know she was helping) by buying her a small gift or doing her a favor. Relationships are reciprocal. 5 points
