Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Social Engineering #5 (FAIL)

My task was to gain sympathy from a classmate by pretending an injury.

I failed at my task.

I pretended to hit a wall with my shoulder and arm (and  with Helion Black and  Baby Pink following behind me. They were apathetic* or too busy watching their phones. Or knew something was up. In fact, no one else cared. :(

I then pretended to stub my toe on a desk in front of Dr Green and did not get notice.

While I didn't feel uncomfortable doing this, I know that a career in acting is not for me.

What I did learn is that if properly done, this could serve as a distraction while tag-teaming with someone else in trying to obtain or access information on a computer.

1 comment:

  1. No points, but good attempt. Probably using a prop like a bandage or cast, or sling might have helped.
