Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Social Engineering Task #7

My task was fellow someone at lest 20 minutes

After the class time, I started to find my target. Finally I found this guys who was wearing black coat to be my target. I followed him starting at the second floor of B building. He walked quickly. I guess he wants to catch the Orange line. I followed him to the Orange line station. He was waiting for a train to Forest Hills station. Then I followed him to the train. He got off the train at Downtown Crossing Station. He transfer to Red line. Finally, he took a train which was going to Alewife Station. I have follow him 22 minutes, so I stopped my following. I finish my task.  

My strategy was that I kept our distance for 15m. I had to make sure he did not know I following him. I always walked behind some people because it could cover me. I also had to keep we having same speed. When I followed him to the train, I found a good place to look at him. I pretended I was using my cell phone. When the train go to another stops.  I watched him secretly. I had to make sure he was still on the train. When he got off the train, I waited 10 second. Then I kept following him. Finally, he did not know I had followed him.

I think I violate his privacy because I can know what he is doing.
If our society has more people do this, this society’s security is bad. If you find someone is following by a strange
person, you should remind him because you may safe him from harm.

I have done this. I think I learn something special. I know following someone is easy. That makes me feel so scare. A stranger can keeps following you all day, and record all your activities. He can use this record to do something bad. He can pretend your friend to cheat your families because he already know your activities. We need to improve safety awareness. Making sure nobody is following you.

I felt so scare to do this task. If that guy knows I am following him, I do not know how to explain to him. That situation should be very embarrassing. However, it is a good challenge. 


  1. Great Stalking of your prey, and a very persistent and patient success

  2. I like the reflection. 7 points

  3. I like the reflection. 7 points
