Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Social Engineering Task # 5 (FAILED)

1.  What was your task?
My task was to figure out the password of a fellow player by shoulder surfing

2.  What did you do? 
While Doctor Green was making his account for codeacademy, he was sitting right next to me. He was too occupied to see that I took out my phone and was recording him via video typing his password. Unfortunately his fingers move too quickly for me to even see what he was typing :(

3.  How effective was your strategy?

My strategy was effective, but he was too fast for me. If I had been standing behind him with my camera right over his shoulder, I think I might have been able to see what he was typing. I was sitting in a weird angle. 

4.  What are the moral stakes?
The moral stakes of this social engineering task are none because I failed at it!
5.  Now that you have done this, what could you do with the information or skills you obtained?

Finding out passwords of individuals by shoulder-surfing is a huge strategy applied by hackers. Anyone can easily walk by and just stand over your shoulder if you are not being careful and acquire your password. This is why I am always hyperaware of my surroundings in public when I am typing my passwords so that nobody is standing behind me and trying to see what I am typing. 

6.  Reflect on how you felt when you were doing this.

I felt like a creep because Professor Mahoney was walking behind me giving directions on how to get into codeacademy and I think she saw me. Its really embarrassing and creepy to me to try to find out someone's password 

1 comment:

  1. Ok. Failure. But another attempt might have been warranted, no?
