Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Social Engineering Freelance

To get to work I take the Orange line inbound to Downtown Crossing station. During morning rush hour the train is filled to capacity. There are so many people exiting the station that the T has a big gate that opens so that the large crowed can exit at one time. I often thought that at the same time people are exiting it may be possible for someone to use the gate to enter the station without paying. This morning I successfully tested my theory. I got off at State and walked to Downtown Crossing. I walked down the steps and waited for the masses of people to exit the station. There was a transit policeman near by but his back was to me so I went ahead with the plan. If I got caught I had an alibis plus the fact that I have a monthly T pass. I left my copy of the Metro on a bench in the station. If I got caught I would have said I forgot my paper as was simply retrieving it.

What I learned is that if you pay close enough attention you can find weaknesses in security. I usually like to observe, study the weakness and plan the exploit. I also like to have a backup plan in the event that I get caught. I did not have any moral issue with this task because I am still upset with the poor service and irresponsible business practices of the T. They recently terminated the weekend evening service and just announced a 9% fair hike. Not to mention the fiasco from last year. If you see Beverly Scott tell her this ain't my first rodeo. Ha Ha.

If you are interested, the exit is located across from The Corner at the intersection of Washington and Winter Street. Just look for that building with the green roof.


  1. All security measures have weaknesses, in buy patiently paying attention you can find the weaknesses and exploiting them.

    Remember this class is all about finding the weakness, then exploiting it in some way.

    1. I guess you need some rest rather than commenting on every single posting... please don't forget you have 104.5 F fever and so many other stuffs going on... lol.
