Monday, March 23, 2015

Things about property that i  noticed these last couple of days,

Google Play Store – In my job I get a lot of people that buys movies, songs and applications from the Google Play Store. They think that by buying anything on the play store, they have full ownership and they can do whatever they want with it. But they really can’t, they are just purchasing a copy of it. For example if they purchase a movie, when they purchase it, they can watch it, but that doesn’t mean that they can copy it and distributed it, because they will be violating they copyrights. Same thing the songs. When they purchase an application, they are basically paying to use it, they don’t own it, so they cannot make changes to it.

Parking (during snow emergency) – During snow emergencies, people shovel out a parking spot for they’re cars. They think that because they shoveled, the spot belongs to them. Usually the states allows you to save your spot for a couple of hours, like a day or so. But after the space saver time expires, anyone can park anywhere they want. So since they worked hard cleaning the spot, people think that they have some type of ownership towards the spot and it does not work that way.

Rhapsody – In my job, customers can pay $10 a month and get access to Rhapsody, an application that allows you to stream songs, similar to Pandora, but unlike Pandora, Rhapsody allows you to actually create your own playlist, listen to your songs while offline, and it doesn't stop for commercials.  The problem I notice, is that a lot of people think that just because they pay $10 a month, they own the songs, but they actually don’t. They think that they can download the songs to their device and do whatever they want with it. They only paying to get access to the application, any content is still own by the Rhapsody company.

Chargers – My Boss has a section in the back of the store with all different type of chargers for all of his personal devices. He tied them all together, and he also attached them to wall. The reason why is because he doesn’t want anyone to take them. Since they are his, he’s making sure he maintains ownership by not allowing others to take them.

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