Sunday, March 8, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge #4 Can I use your phone real quick?

Hello all, this week was for me to get a fellow player to give me their phone while unlocked. This task would have been a whole lot easier if I were to target a stranger. What's funny about my challenge was that in the beginning of class before we had even picked our challenges, I was talking with Agent Raven Blue about letting people use our phones. This random guy asked to use her phone and she acted like she didn't have it. Agent Raven Blue would have made a perfect target if a series of events (Admiral Thistle) hadn't taken place. These events instantly made all the other players 100x more suspicious of everyone else in the room, asking a simple question would get flagged for suspicion. After class, inspector green, raven blue and I were walking when we came across captain black and pink mystery. I tried again with everyone, only to get laughed at. After raven blue and inspector green left to go social engineer each other, pink mystery and i walked to the train. While she was waiting for captain black, i tried to take her in as an accomplice to target captain black for my final effort. She suggested that i turn my phone off and act like my phone had died and i needed to use his phone to call someone. Captain black was not having that so he simply took my phone and turned it on. I should have taken the battery out if I knew he was going to do that, even still I'm sure he would not have given me his phone and I would have taken the battery out for no reason. I went home in shame. Mission Failed!


  1. hhhhh Nice try, also I remember that I specifically said that I know that was your task and that is why I will not give you my phone. I vote 2 points for your perseverance, you ask me at least 5 time with a serious facial expression, I thought you will laugh at some point but no you didn't. good job.

  2. 2 points it is! Good failed attempt.

  3. 2 points it is! Good failed attempt.
