Sunday, March 29, 2015

Mission #6 - Touch a fellow player

This week my mission was to touch a fellow player's hair or touch their head, with consent.

This was going to be tricky. I know I only had the length of the class to complete my mission, and we were all involved in the werewolf game. I thought about how to attempt this mission without drawing too much attention to myself, and without being really creepy. My strategy was to seem cool, calm, and collected, and to involve the player closest to me. MzQueen Green was sitting right next to me, and therefore became my target. As time went by in class, we weren't allowed to talk due to the ongoing game being played. Time ticked away and I knew I had to make my move. I leaned over to her and whispered that she had a little piece of lint in her hair and reached over toward her to get it out of her hair/head. She replied hesitantly, "Umm, Okay" and I finished the mission, touching her hair and head and pulling out a non existent piece of lint. My strategy worked and my mission was successful.

This mission was hard and a bit awkward for both players involved, but it was completed. During this mission I realized that people will let other people invade their space, even if it makes them uncomfortable. MzQueen Green could have easily told me to kick rocks, or swatted my hand away from her head quickly and I wouldn't have blamed her at all for it. People out their could prey on the kindness of others and the fact that most people will put themselves in an awkward position briefly to not seem rude or mean.

I feel bad using other teammates to complete these missions, however, it is for a grade and is just a game. I learned in last class that I have some "tells" while social engineering and will just compartmentalize this game in order to complete the rest of the missions without guilt. Til next week!


  1. That's pretty sneaky, wouldn't have thought of that. 5pts!

  2. i knew it! Yes it was pretty awkward, but i was like maybe there is something in my hair ...

  3. I am so happy this was not my task lol. great job 5 point.

  4. This is hard and you made it seem easier. 10 points!

  5. This is hard and you made it seem easier. 10 points!
