Monday, March 2, 2015

Social Engineer Challenge 3: You Got Mail…box

My task was to take a picture of a fellow player’s home mailbox. Originally, I planned to attack MzQueen Green for this week’s task, but when I input her city in my GPS, it was estimated to be an hour away from where I live. So that plan failed.

There’s only one other person in class that I knew that lived down the street from me, my good friend Captain Black X31. I figured, why not, since I already knew where his apartment complex is. The next day I took my dog for a walk and stopped by Captain Black’s apartment. I figured his name or last name would be on a sticker or something. I was able to take a picture of the whole mailbox, but I wasn't able to find his name.

My first strategy was to call the Apartment management but no one answered. So my next strategy was to wait until someone stepped into the building, I waited for 45min-1hr and no one showed up.  I went back again the next day with the same strategies and same results, no answer and no people around. My next plan was to go on the weekend, so I have more chances of bumping into people. On Saturday morning, I saw an older lady checking her mail. I asked her if she happened to know (players name) and she started looking at the names on the mailboxes. I told her I already looked and wasn’t able to find it but she pointed at mailbox # XX (blocked out purposely), I looked and the name and it was similar but completely different last name. I thanked her and left, I texted him trying to sneakily ask for his home address but I wasn't able to get it from him, so I failed my mission.

The moral stakes to this challenge is being able to trick people into giving information without knowing, but since I aimed for Captain Black before, I think he had his guard up this time around.

If I was able to get his mailbox number, I would've been able to have his whole address and use it. I would also be able to bypass security questions like zip code of billing address, etc.

When I first got this task, I knew I was screwed. In the same time I felt so sure that his name would be on the mail box since he lived in an apartment but when I didn't find it on there, I felt hopeless. Just being inside his apartment building, I felt uncomfortable and I felt like I was there trying to steal valuables.


  1. Not 100% successful but great persistence and very close to successful. 2 points!

  2. technically may mail box is in the picture. In my opinion 5 point.
