Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Don't Lose Sight

I'm currently sitting in D lounge. As I type, some eccentric guy is making a presentation called "better grades in less time." Not only did his title slide contain MASSIVE COMIC SANS (in sky blue and neon green, no less), his opening statement was, "This presentation is to teach you how to literally spend less time studying, get better grades, and triple your reading speed with full comprehension!"

Wait, what? So, you're trying to tell me there's absolutely NO correlation between time spent studying and success in school? This guy's a great public speaker, but his platform makes no sense. Unfortunately, people are eating it up.

So what does this have to do with property? Think about this. This presentation isn't unique. There are hundreds of presentations and seminars every year, and people sometimes pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to attend these. People work their entire lives around what speakers tell them to do, or how speakers tell them to live and conduct their lives.

Consider this. Whose education is it if you base your study habits and attribute your success (or lack thereof) to what some speaker told you at a presentation? For people who make a career out of attending seminars, they lose sight of what it means to think for themselves. It's no longer their life and their philosophy; it's about what the last speaker they saw told them to do.

The property (the education, or life, or whatever), doesn't really change hands. It doesn't suddenly belong to the presenter. Instead, the individual loses control of it. The individual allows their life to be controlled by outside influences (moreso than would be normally expected), and essentially loses the claim to their success.

I forgot to do this last night, so these are my last minute thoughts before class. I thought this was interesting. Also, this guy's a dope.

- The Admiral

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