Sunday, March 1, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge #3 - Prohibited

This week my task was to gain entrance into a place that I wasn't authorized to be in, and prove I was there. 

Challenge accepted.

I decided to take to the streets and find my area of interest. I remember seeing a sign that clearly posted no entry and decided to try to enter. I entered the building towards the end of a work day, figuring most people would have left for the day. I was correct!! ...kinda. 

I walked up on the back door to the corporate office of "Cheeseboy", and tried to blend in as best as I could.

The locks on the door seemed to mean business, but I figured if you act like you belong then people won't question if you do indeed belong or not. 

It WORKED! My strategy was a success and very effective. I was also right about the end of the work day and most employees leaving for the day.

I was able to maneuver around the office with ease and snooped around for a few minutes before decided to leave out the front door. I walked towards the front to get final evidence that I was inside the office fully...

The large "Cheeseboy" logo on the wall of the main entrance was my goal! I managed to make my way throughout the entire office. 

However, I was not prepared to disturb the office manager! She swung around in her chair and was just as surprised to see me as I was to see her. I don't think she liked the fact that I was snapping photos the entire time either.

She made it quite clear I was not supposed to be there and she wanted me to leave. She got on the phone and I booked it out the front door.  Mission Complete! I made it back outside safe and sound with no one the wiser (except the office manager). 

There was a lot at risk in this mission, but a little innocent B&E never hurt anyone. Morally, I invaded the privacy of the office and that data in it. Other, less morally bound people could have fought and struggled with the defensive office manager to gain access to personnel files. With this being the corporate office, a lot of confidential paperwork and files would be available. (Which is probably why the locks on the door were so large) During this mission, I learned that blending in will get you far. If you act normal, as if you belong, people won't question your presence. This mission was fun to me, and I was happy to complete it. I may have felt different if the mission was more intense, but just entering the premises seemed innocent enough. Another successful mission!

Til next week!