Monday, March 9, 2015

Social Engineering Task #4

My task was to get a fellow player to friend a fake Facebook account I created. 

In a previous task, i discussed how hard i thought this would be because people are skeptical about accepting requests from people they do not know. They look at several things when receiving a friend request from someone they do not know.

So I decided to create a business page which offered ideas about creating candy tables for parties. After posting pics and writing a little summary about the company, i enlisted a couple of my friends to help me out by unfriending me and then liking the page so that there would be no trace back to me.

My target was Pink Mystery. Unfortunately i realized that when i invite someone to the page it states "my name" invited you to her page. So I thought about sending it to her via a link and asking her to support this small business as it is a friend of mine. Unfortunately, she had a family emergency  this weekend and i didn't think it was right to send her such a message during this time.

So unfortunately my mission failed.