Sunday, March 1, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge 3: Where are you going?

My task for this week was to find out where another player was going next month (talking about March because the task was given last week). My target was Admiral Thistle. The task was pretty straight forward, but I had to do it without being too obvious and risking the mission. During the end of the last class, we were given time to do lab work. I over heard my group members, Admiral Thistle and Admiral Aquamarine, discussing what the plan was for the group presentation. I walked over and heard Admiral Thistle say she was going somewhere, so I knew that I could get the information i needed if i only asked her to repeat herself. After we finished discussing the group presentation and what each of us was responsible for, i simply asked Admiral Thistle where she was going next month (March). She said she was going to Florida and will be gone for about a week. I also acquired the reason for her travels and I could somehow use that to my advantage. Id say mission accomplished!