Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Give A hug get a Hug! Social enginering task #4

My task this week was to get a fellow player to give me a hug without physically coming out and asking for one. I was skeptical as to how I could get this done. Originally I planned to target Admiral Aquamarine but then I found put he was taking the train and he disappeared before I could get a hug from him. I spent a week trying to figure out how to complete this challenge before next class.
   By Monday I had pretty much assumed that I had failed my mission and I was not going to post anything. I arrived at school today with the feeling of failure and as I walked down the hallway I saw Captain Black and inspector green talking outside of the class. An idea hit me when I saw them and I figured if I just reached in for a hug it would be hard to refuse me especially if I smile sweetly and say something nice.
   Captain Black was directly in my path so I pointed at him and smiled and said
"You, I love you." Then just b-lined for him throwing my arms around him and he hugged me back sweetly. I could see he was slightly suspicious but he couldn't say no which I think refers greatly to his character. Like myself if someone had approached me the same way especially someone I knew I would happily hug them back.

   Honestly I like this task because it involves manipulating a fellow player to get them to do something that they did not plan to do. I had no issues with this task more so because I like people and to manipulate someone to hug me does not seem harmful however if the plan was to get someone to hug me with the intention of me then picking someone's pocket the situation is different and I can understand why this is morally wrong and I would be uncomfortable.


  1. Great job, I was skeptical but I thought it was too rude to refuse a hug. I liked the fact that you didn't give me a chance to think. I vote 5 points.

  2. I'm usually a happy person you wouldn't be the first person who said they couldn't refuse my hugs. lol

  3. 5 points. I love that you didn't give up!
